Alors que l’Allemagne prend la présidence
de l’Union Européenne,
Amnesty international rappelle l’importance
du respect des droits de l’homme,
y compris à l’intérieur des frontières européennes.

Un appel est lancé à la présidence
allemande pour que de réelles mesures
soient prises pour que l’Europe ne ferme
plus les yeux sur les vols de la CIA dans son
espace aérien (voir l’article sur les restitutions),
et qu’en général le respect des droits
de l’homme devienne une réalité si incontournable
en Europe qu’elle serve d’exemple
et d’incitant pour le reste du monde…

Agissez !

Envoyez cette lettre à la Chancelière d’Allemagne, Mme Angela Merkel :

Dear Madam Chancellor,

Torture is cruel, inhuman and
degrading, and its use by the state is therefore
not allowed under any circumstances.

Since September 11th 2001 not only the USA
but also some European countries have
sought to undermine this fundamental
human right. European airports have been
used by the CIA in their so-called „rendition“
flights. Intelligence agents from Germany
and other EU countries have interrogated
prisoners at the US detention camp at
Guantánamo Bay, and in prisons where
torture is common practice.

Across the European
Union, terror suspects are being deported
in streamlined procedures. EU states
have trusted “diplomatic assurances” that
these people will not be tortured. European
governments thus become accomplices in
human rights violations committed as part
of the US-led “war on terror”.
Please ensure that during the
German EU Presidency, illegal „rendition“
flights and the involvement of EU countries
in them are further investigated, and no
more such flights are permitted ; forcible
returns from EU countries to states where
torture is common practice are stopped ;
the absolute ban on torture is upheld and

Nom :
Date / Signature :
Pays :

Chancellor Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin

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